Khiba'sae Kaisuri

Khiba'sae Kaisuri

20 • Intersex • He, Him • Keeper of the Moon • Dancer/Traveling Adventurer


**Discord will always be the best means of contacting/roleplaying. No need to ask whether to add, just let me know where you're coming from.Add: @khibakaisuri
In-game walk-ups and /tells are welcome but are less common.
General RP always welcome, ERP is less common but also welcome too.Check my Twitter's pinned tweet for more links & info. ~


Khiba is a kind, polite, and sweet individual, he will try to keep to himself and out of trouble or other situations that may lead to arguments or unpleasant scenarios. He isn’t necessarily a coward rather he just doesn’t like displeasing people since it would guilt him for doing so. He does easily warm up to people despite his seemingly reserved nature towards strangers, keeping his distance to be safe, again not wanting to displease the individual, usually starting off with some small talk or answering to whatever inquiry made to him. Usually either small talk or trying to get to know the Miqo'te would loosen him up and allow him to be comfortable with the person. He definitely is friendly once he’s warmed up to them, cracking a joke here and there and sharing a laugh with close ones. It really is where his true self begins to show since he would noticeably smile more around them even going as far as to share a hug or two if they're his friend(s).As for his likes and dislikes:
He likes the little moments in between he’s able to have to himself or shared with close friends and comrades. Despite the risks involved he also likes diving into the unknown since as a child he always did wonder of the many mysteries of his world were. Together with that, he also loves knowledge and learning a about new things, often finding his face buried in a tome or even taking a more hands on approach by exploring unknown places or traveling to new areas he's never he'd be able to visit in his life.
He strongly dislikes injustice, on occasion even to the point of losing control of his emotions. He also dislikes dishonesty; he’s dealt with so much of it throughout his life and to go through it again would only break his spirit depending on how close the person is to him.